Thursday, September 17, 2009

2 Texas teens killed in attempted break-in.

San Marcos Police Chief Howard Williams said that a group of teenagers were trying to break into a home when the resident opened fire and killed two of the teenagers.

Both of those killed were 16 years old. A 3rd teen was seriously injured and the 4th teenager escaped without injury. The 4th teenager was later arrested.

Police will not release the name of the deceased since they are a juvenile. But did say the teenagers lived in Luing, which is about 20 miles from San Marcos.

The 3 people in the home at the time of the break in were not injured.

Now according to a press release the San Marcos police do not anticipate filing charges on the resident that shot 3 of the teens.

The police do plan on turning the case over to the Hays County District Attorneys off ofr review after the police are done with their investigation.

Full copy of the Texas Penal Code on self defense.

The police reported that just before 2am the residents heard a commotion outside and once the suspects entered the house, that’s when the resident opened his bedroom door and one of the teens pointed a handgun at him and that’s when the resident opened fire with his Glock 40 caliber handgun. The resident fired several shots, killing 2 teens and wounding 1 and the 4th teen escaped without injury.

Frank Castro was the 4th teen that was able to escape without injury. HE wasn’t free for long. He was arrested shortly after the incident.

According to the police the 2 teens killed had pellets guns and the 3rd was carrying a handgun.

The teens may or may not have known the resident was a gun collector.

Police are still working why the teens were entering this house in the middle of the night. One resident that wasn’t home at the time said he thought the 4 teens had been there before. They have an open door policy for everyone, to hang out at the house. But this fatal night, they decided to take gun to the house with them.

Castro was charged with aggravated robbery, which is a first degree felony. His bond has been set at $50,000.

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