Friday, September 11, 2009

Man breaks into the jail… Wait isn’t that suppose to be break out of jail?

Well according to Sylvester Jiles, 24, he needed to break into the Brevard County Detention Center on 08/31/2009.

Jiles had been released from the jail after he accepted a plea deal on his manslaughter charge.

Now my question is why would someone that was allowed to plea on manslaughter charges even be out of jail. Jiles admitted he fatally shot Dustin Prouse who was 19.

Anyway, regardless of what the court done or didn’t do in this case, Jiles was scared for his life.

Jiles was able to climb one fence and when he got to the second fence with the razor wire, Jiles fell and severely injured himself.

Jiles told the correctional officers he was in fear of his life and needed to break into the jail for a safe place to stay.

Not that I have ever supported street justice, but with a murderer on the loose I guess some people wanted to take justice into their own hands…

It has been reported that Jiles is in stable condition now.

I guess the plea deal didn’t work out to be as good as Jiles thought it would be.

Is freedom really worth having to live in fear of your life every second of every day?

Freedom for Jiles must have been pretty bad to make him want to break into the jail so he would have a safe place to stay….

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