Sunday, September 13, 2009

Comments on "Drug Overdose, 15 year old dead, dad arrested for murder"

If you forgot about the first post it can be located here

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Drug Overdose, 15 yr. old dead, dad arrested for m...":

On August 2, 2008, you ran a story about a father who was arrested for providing his son with the drugs that lead to his death. Just thought you may be interested to know that he is out of jail, bail was reduced and he was bonded out by his wife Pamela Alfano, who was the mother of the child who died, Vincent Alfano. He is currently at a Hernando county Hospice center where he is being treated for an alledged stroke and complications due to AIDS. He is on an ankle monitor.

I have not looked into any of the court files or jail site to see is he has been released. But if this is true, what are your thoughts on this?

If he had a stroke was it right to get him out of jail?

Was this an attempt for the County to save money for medical care?

Or do you think he should have stayed in jail till his court date?

And if his condition is so bad he has to be in hospice, does he really we the tax payers really need to pay for an ankle monitor?

In case you don't know Hospice is a awesome place for people with terminal conditions. Hospice will care for the patient and help the families in dealing with the death of a loved one.

I have the utmost respect for people that can work at Hospice. I for one don't think that I could work there. It's a know fact that your patients are going to die and the ones you would have long term, I just dont think I could deal with knowing that every patient is going to die. Thats why I work in emergency medicine. I like to treat them and know I can make a difference.... Anyway....

This guy killed his son by teaching him how to party. Now instead of being in prison or jail, he has the comfort of being in hospice.

Is it just me or does something seem wrong with this picture?

And I really cannot understand the wife wanting to bond him out of jail. The mother of the deceased, unless she was ok with the drug use. Maybe she also wanted her son to know how to party. Who Knows. I dont. I just cannot understand people. I personally think if someone done something this stupid and killed my kid, I would never want to see that person again. But thats just me....

Anyway, what are your thoughts about this case?

Here is a copy of the court docket.

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