Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Haleigh Cummings still missing and now Misty Croslin Cummings; disappeared.

Wait a minute, she was gone but now her attorney said she was taking a well deserved break.

Of course the first thing that comes to my mind is WTF?????? What does she need a break from? Maybe the lies that have been uncovered throughout the search for the truth of what really happened to Haleigh Cummings.

Even thought Misty was reported as missing, her attorney stepped up to the mike and told everyone that Misty was in Orlando at Universal Studios for a fun filled weekend or I think he said a well deserved break.

How appropriate… Got to love attorneys…. (well maybe not so much…)

I cannot understand why she would even need a break, I mean after all she said everyone else is lying and the weekend of the lie detector was a lie. So I guess with hiding the truth could be tiring and a fun filled weekend in Universal Studios would be called for. I guess that would be a way to escape from reality.

But none the less, this case has been taking more twist and turns than any other case. I’m just surprised there hasn’t been some unknown, untraceable responsible person appears in this case. But anyway….

Misty in her attempt to flea still states she knows nothing about the whereabouts of Haleigh Cummings, but as the continued search for Haleigh continues so does the drama in this case. Misty was interviewed and on TV as she was flying out of Florida and said now Ron wants a divorce. She doesn’t want the divorce but since that’s what he wants, she said she isn’t going to fight the divorce.

It seems as I have said from the beginning of this case that Misty’s stories are now falling apart. Misty has taken the lie detector test and failed; she took a voice analysis test and has been hypnotized. All in an effort to prove Misty was being truthful about the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings, but it seems it has only proven she has lied and withheld information.

Yet we still have Misty claiming we don’t know the truth and she is waiting for her attorney to give her the go ahead to release the truth about what happened.

Now I wonder why an attorney would make her withhold information in this case.

Then while Misty was having her fun filled weekend, grrrr, I mean well deserved break, we now have a report of a mysterious letter that appeared. The letter was from Misty’s friend that is in jail on drug charges.

So right off the bat we have to question how much belief we can put into a letter like that.

But none the less the letter appeared and within that letter it made some damaging claims against Misty Croslin Cummings.

The letter claims Misty wasn’t at home the night Haleigh disappeared. Even thought Misty claims she was.

The letter also claims Misty was at a party and it was reported that Haleigh Cummings took an overdose of Oxycontin.

I thought it was also funny that the police claiming they are following up on every lead but they stated they have dismissed the jailhouse letter. Yet they drain a lake because it was said that Haleigh died from the drug overdose, was stuffed into a black bag and tossed into a lake. Even though that claim was dismissed, the divers found nothing after draining a lake. (seems like a lot of expense to drain a lake for divers if they really dismissed the letter right of the bat)

But none the less that letter claims that someone swore in an affidavit that Haleigh was with Misty at a party the night Haleigh disappeared and that party wasn’t at Ron Cummings house.

The details called names and even named new players into the Haleigh Cummings case.

The letter said that 29 year old guy (Greg Page, I think) was at that party and when Haleigh died from the overdose of Oxycontin, Misty freaked out and Greg was there to lend a helping hand. It was reported in the letter that Greg put the body in the black bag and then threw the body into a pond.

Of course that would be bad enough on its own, but we now have also learned that Misty was having a fling with Greg and they were flinging the weekend before Haleigh disappeared. Is it just me or is there something happening over there? All these people flinging with a minor child and no one has been arrested for sex crimes with a minor.
Anyway back to the story…

With the arrest of Misty’s brother it was learned that he is now saying Misty wasn’t even home the night Haleigh disappeared.

I can only guess Misty or her attorney will soon be in the media to let us all know that the brother is now lying about his sister.

But the brother is now reporting that Ron and Misty had a fight the night Haleigh disappeared and after Ron had tried to call Misty about 20 times in a 2 hour period, Ron done the next sensible thing and sent the brother to check on the well being of Misty.

It was reported that the bother got a call from Ron Cummings and Ron had asked him to go to the trailer to have Misty call him at work. I guess with the fight Ron wanted to call Misty and make up and had called her at least 20 times in a 2 hour time period and there was no answer.

Misty’s brother Tommy Croslin reported that when he arrived at the trailer it was dark like no one was home and he continuously pounded on the trailer door and there was no answer.

So was she home? She wasn’t according to her own brother.

Then during the investigation it was now reported that Page (Misty’s weekend fling) has been questioned several times

It has also been reported that Page has been arrested for drug possession in Palatka.
But even with his drug arrest, the first questions he was asked was all about Haleigh.
Even though the police dismissed the jailhouse letter they are still following up with the information contained in the dismissed jailhouse letter.

Page is reporting he does not know what happened to Haleigh, Page states he never met the child and wished he had never met Misty Croslin-Cummings.

Funny thing is that even though Page is reporting that his life has been in turmoil ever since meeting Misty, all Misty could do is to get away for that well deserved break and a fun filled weekend at Universal Studios. Something just doesn’t seem appropriate.

A man that claims he never even as much as met Haleigh Cummings is now claiming his life is in turmoil and yet the key player Misty is out riding roller coasters to get away from it all so she can have a “well deserved weekend”.

I wonder why Misty thinks now we should believe anything she has to say at this point.
I mean from the start of this case she couldn’t keep her story straight, she reported different facts to different people differently.

She planned on calling everyone to town and taking more lie detectors to prove she was honest and yet everything to date has proven she has lied or is withholding information.

Now she wants us to believe that we don’t know the truth and we have to wait for her attorney to give the ok to let everyone know what really happened to Haleigh Cummings.

From the start of this case I have had an anonymous poster claiming that Misty was being so truthful, I just wonder what that person would say now with her failing a lie detector test with a 99% deception.

So many twist and turns in this case, when will it ever end?

Now if everything else so far hasn’t been bad enough, at least Misty got to spend a few minutes in handcuffs (and no it wasn’t with the weekend flinger)

Misty was detained by the police during a road rage incident. Of course Misty was in the news as she was trying to fly out of town again stating that there was nothing to the road rage incident and that’s why she was released.

Maybe she actually told the truth this time or was it the victim of her road rage did not want to press charges?

None the less Misty got to spend some time in handcuffs. It’s a shame it wasn’t for a lot longer though. I still cannot understand why she hasn’t been charged with child endangerment to at the very least get her in jail where she belongs.

I mean after all she was suppose to be the responsible person caring for Haleigh, now that Haleigh has been missing this long why is Misty still allowed to roam around and even fly out of town while this active case continues.

None the less the investigators are probably growing tired of this case along with everyone else involved.

But as this case takes more twists and turns we have to reconsider a lot of information.

Like was it really just a fight between Ron and Misty the night Haleigh disappeared? Would you call your lover/wife 20 times in 2 hours if you had been mad and fighting?
Or is there something more to that part of this case like Ron knew what was going to happen and had second thoughts and tried to stop Misty before putting her plan into action.

Of course with Ron now wanting a divorce from Misty that also brings new light to the story. Has Ron actually learned that Misty is responsible for Haleigh’s disappearance?

What’s with the weekend flings? Young girl older guys, is there more to that than meets the eye? And why would the mother of a 29 year old man introduce him to a minor?

As guess as Misty continues to play games and taking advice from an attorney that’s telling her to purposely withhold information this case will continue to take more twist and all I can figure out is the attorney is trying his best to get other people involved in this case before Misty gets arrested. If he can add other key players in this case it will hopefully take the heat off of Misty and point the guilt towards someone else.

None the less regardless of what they are doing I just hope and pray for the sake of Haleigh she is soon found and her family can take the steps necessary to recover from such a horrible incident.

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