Thursday, July 31, 2008

Florida’s first CyberCrime Task Force Arrest in Tampa Bay, Teacher Aaron Stewart.

The first arrest under Attorney General Bill McCollum’s cyber crime task force has taken place in Tampa Bay. A teacher at an Intermediate Middle School was arrested.

Aaron J. Steward was charged with possession of child pornography charges.

Stewart’s possession of child pornography was discovered during an undercover internet investigation that identified known images of child pornography. The files were traced back to Stewart’s computer.

Stewart according to the media did admit to knowingly posses the images and many of which appeared to be children as young as 6 to 8 years old.

While a search warrant was executed at Stewart's Clearwater home his computer was seized, along with additional computer equipment.

According to the media he is charged with one count of promoting the sexual performance of a child, a second-degree felony, and eight counts of possession of child pornography, a third-degree felony.

According to the Sheriff’s Site

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