I know I said I was going to wait for the trial to take place before I made a post on this case. But with the remains of a small child being found, I changed my mind. I told a friend of mine just days before the remains were discovered that the searchers would never find Caylee. I told him some one would accidently stumble across the remains just like in so many other cases.
That’s exactly what happened in this case. A utilities worker decided to go into the woods to relieve himself when he found a plastic bag and when he picked it up, a skull rolled out of the bag. Or depending on which media story you read, he looked into the bag and seen bones in the bag. Either way, they police were notified and they took control of the crime scene.
Now we have people all in the media claiming they were there and just feet from the location where the remains were found even though the search leaders reported the area to be underwater during the times they were there searching. Then the search leaders also reported that the second time there, the area was fenced off and yet we still have people in the news saying they were within feet of the remains. Even more interesting one search leader was in the media claiming to have had awesome insight in that area and called off the search there so the searchers would not push the remains deeper into the mud.
A lot of this case has been based on the same. Lies and deception. From the very first report of Caylee Anthony being reported missing.

Her own mother,Casey Anthony, has done nothing but lie from day one of this case.
Now as much as I believe people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, I also believe Casey Anthony has been guilty from the very beginning of this case.
Even if by some miracle, Jose Baez, can prove she is innocent of murder, she will always be responsible for the death of her daughter. She had a responsibility as a parent and failed.
Her failure cost her 3 year old daughter her life and now the media has made a 3 ring circus out of the finding of the remains. Honestly, I expected nothing more from the media. I just don’t understand the need to have minute to minute updates in this case. Granted to case has received national attention and has many others looking to help find Caylee. But I don’t see the need to promote a killer or promote the fact that the remains of a child have been recovered.
When asked before about the power of the media, this is a prime example. The media has interviewed some of the searchers and allowed them to make statements like, they know it’s Caylee and being there on the crime scene is helping them bring some closure to this case. How do these people know anything? They are not with the police or FBI and have not even as much seen the remains but are being allowed to be on the news claiming they now have closure. Are you joking? Why does are media allow such irresponsible statement to be presented to everyone following this case.

I think at some point and time, we the people need to take Sheriff’s Kevin Beary advice and stay away from the crime scene and let the police work. The police have a hard enough job without having to worry about people flooding the crime scene. The police only have the task of recovering evidence as small as a hair and the obligation to try to reconstruct the crime scene so the guilty can be effectively prosecuted.
That should apply to the media as well. Granted some see the death of a small child as breaking news and they think they have a right to be there to report the facts, but can we at the very least get some confirmation of facts before they allow just anyone willing to talk on TV to make statements without any proof of what they are saying. People have already identified the body and haven’t even seen anything on the crime scene.
I think the Sheriff said it best. He is not in the business to speculate, he deals with facts. Granted I know we are all entitled to our own opinions but I find the behavior of the media in this case inappropriate. Why couldn’t the media express concern to the deceased and show some sympathies to the family. After all a small unidentified child was found.
Of course then we have the defense team attempting to interfere with the scene and evidence. Even though the remains have not been identified, they still think they should be there so they can work together. Next joke. I think the defense team should have stayed home where they belonged. If there is an issue with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and FBI’s crime scene technicians or the manor in which the medical examiner identifies the remains, they are of course allowed by law the results of all findings through a discovery motion.

The defense claims they just want to work together, but even as pointed out in court during the emergency motion hearing, the prosecutor brought it to the judges attention that the defense was allowed to be there while the car was being processed for evidence and less than 24 hours later the defense experts were on different news stations releasing information to everyone in the world and then the defense has to gall to claim they need a change of venue in order to get a fair trial.

Goes right back to the defense attorneys and the games they play. As sickening as this case has been it has also been reported in the media that Casey Anthony has wanted to cooperate with the police and her defense team has put a halt to her cooperation with the police. One would think even the defense team would only be interested in finding Caylee and not so worried about trying to prove someone was innocent of the crimes she has been charged with. One would like to think the defense team only had the best interest of Caylee in mind and finding her. Of course this case was a little different since she was charged before Caylee was found.
Now with that out of the way, I thought I would go on and add a post about Caylee Anthony. I would like to get some feed back on what you think about this case. Even though I might not agree with the defense in this case and the media coverage of this case, I would like to hear your opinions of this case.
This case has encountered almost anything that anyone could imagine.
From June 9: Casey Anthony said that on June 9, she dropped Caylee off at a babysitter who lived at the Sawgrass Apartments. She said the babysitter's name was Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez. Of course I don’t think I need to point out that story turned out to be false.
Now I do find it funny that a person actually named Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez is suing the Anthony’s for slander.
So we started with lies and deception. From the very beginning and its amazing that it was not until July 15 2008 that Caylee had been missing since June.
Then in July, Casey lied once again about working for Universal Studios. After Casey took the police to a building at Universal, she admitted she was no longer employed there.

There has been speculation of family involvement in this case, right along with accusations of incest. And its all been front page breaking news for the media circus covering this case.There have been so many twists and turns in this case, it’s no wonder no one knows who to believe.
While understanding the position of the grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, I feel bad for them. Their life has been a living hell to say the least. I have had the utmost respect for them in maintaining the belief that Caylee was still alive and for all the hard work, time and dedication they have shown in trying to find Caylee.
I found a recent interview with them on TV talking about Caylee coming home because they missed her so much. I thought that was a very touching interview.
Now please don’t misunderstand me with this, I think there have been things that have been questionable with them as well, but that does not mean that I don’t feel bad for what they have been through.

No one should ever have to endure what they have. No one should ever have to go through something like this in life. But sadly we still have people with no morals, people who don’t care, people who think they can do whatever they want and show no regards to anyone, these people are criminals. I only hope if nothing else, this case brings about more severe punishments for people like Casey Anthony.
The lies, the deception should never be tolerated especially when dealing with a child. This day and age we have so many resources available if a parent no longer wanted their child, there are ways to terminate parental rights and get the child in a family that would love and protect them.
This case has had it all. Multiple arrests of the accused and for charges ranging from bad check to interfering with a police investigation to murder. We have had unknown people paying top dollar to post bail for Casey with hopes of finding Caylee.
Even with the monies spent, it done no good. Even with Casey out of jail for that short period of time they were still no closer to finding Caylee.
Then we have statements that were in the media that Casey said Caylee was close to home. I have to wonder if that was her way of trying to lead the search teams back closer to home. I guess we will never know the answer to that question.
This case has odors that were in Casey’s car. People claiming they knew what the odor was but at the same time failed to believe it.
I tell you this case has had almost anything and everything that you could imagine in a criminal case.

People have been talking bad about the Sheriff’s Office and appalled they called off the search for Caylee; I personally think the Sheriff’s Office has done a most outstanding job with this case. They have dedicated an ungodly amount of time and effort in this case.
People cannot believe that Casey has been charged with murdering her daughter without the body to even prove she is dead. I have the utmost confidence in the Sheriff’s Office and FBI and I know they have a case in place and are prepared to prove that case in a court of law.
This case has had the family attorney resigning or being fired. Again it depends on which version you read in the media. I have the utmost respect for Mark NeJames and his choice to no longer be affiliated with the Anthony family. He said in a phone interview he could not support any activity that supported the innocence of Casey Anthony.
Even though most seem to believe Caylee has been deceased since reported missing on Nov. 21 the Anthony’s said that they believe Caylee was in Orlando this week. The family released a photo that was taken Sunday at the Florida Mall by two women with a cell phone camera. The photo shows a girl playing; who they feel looks a lot like Caylee. It has been e-mailed to both the Orange County Sheriff's Office and FBI.
"There are just too many characteristics that stood out that it could be her," said Michelle Bart, the family's new spokesperson. "We're not saying that it is her.
We're saying it's another tip that somebody in the community believed it was her."
Then as we talk about people no longer involved in the case, the primary spokesperson for George and Cindy Anthony announced she will no longer be the primary spokeswoman for the Anthony’s.
Michelle Bart, spokeswoman for the Anthony’s, says the family is suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings, saying the area where the remains were found has been searched multiple times.
With that announcement, Bart reported the vigil for Caylee was cancelled, but she was still going to attend but not for the purpose of being there for the Anthony family. More twists and turns in this case.
With that said, I think I will end this post for my blog. I have several attachments I have been working on and will get them posted before long. I have been savings details about the case since it started and now working on making the presentable to everyone following my blog. As soon as I have time, I will get them posted.
I look forward to your comments about this case and want to know what you think about it.

Also as we discuss this case, I ask everyone to keep in mind a child has lost her life and ask that everyone takes a moment of silence in remembrance of Caylee Anthony.
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