I could not believe she made such a statement with the current daily drugs problems all over the USA.
The post I made is located here Stop the War on Drugs, What is she thinking???
Within this post I made reference to a case that took place in Forth Worth, Texas. This case involved two men coaxing toddlers into smoking marijuana. Now being the smart idiots they were, they also elected to video tape the toddlers as they puffed away.
Still not bad enough to make the stupid criminal list well let me give you some more details and I’m sure this will rank these 2 right up there as the stupid “burnt out” criminals they are.
The video showed the toddlers (who were 2 years old and 4 years old at the time) smoking and coughing as the one teen directed the toddlers to pass it back and forth to his brother, so of course authorities wanted blood test from the toddlers. Test results revealed the toddlers not only had marijuana in their system, they also had cocaine in their system.
Now that should surely rank them right up there as some pretty stupid criminals. But I think there is more. Now if you were stupid enough to record an even like this, what would you do with the video? I would think most reasonable people would hide it, lock it up in a safe and throw away the key. Keep it somewhere out of the hands of the police since the video showed their stupid criminal activity.
But who am I to say? I guess they stayed so smoked up they could not even remember the video tape. So they were careless with the evidence against them and it was discovered by the police.
How did the police get the video tape? Good question, in 2007 the police was investigating a home burglary and there searching the home of McCoy. The police found the tape during that investigation and arrested Demetris McCoy, 18 and Vanswan Polty, 20.

Vanswan Polty pleaded guilty to two charges of causing injury to a child and three unrelated burglary charges before his trial began.
That’s about the only smart thing he has done in this case. He faced anywhere from 5 years to life if convicted on the original charges, but with his plea he was sentenced to up to 7 years in prison.

McCoy was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading guilty to injury to a child and burglary charges this summer and had agreed to testify against Polty.
The mother claims she was in another room sleeping while the incident took place and she avoided charges in this case. For whatever reasons the mother did elect to terminate her parental rights and not the children who are 4 and 6 years old are being adopted.
This is a sad case. McCoy lived with the mother and children and it makes on wonder if this was a regular event in this household. It would be interesting to learn more about why the mother terminated her rights. If it was something that was going to happen regardless or if it was something she wanted to do to continue with a lifestyle that did not involve children.
Luckily for the children they now have a place to live and hopefully grow up without the influence of drugs.
This case reminds me of someone I personally know. He is under the impression that marijuana is a good thing and refuses to accept it is illegal. He stays high daily spending every penny of his money for drugs to keep that high going and takes no personal responsibility for anything in life.
He uses cocaine and marijuana to the point he is unable to even get a job now because his habit is so bad and has turned to male prostitution to make a living. So he sales his body for sex with older men that are willing to pay him and provide him with the drugs he wants and needs.
Why are the druggies the only ones that thinks marijuana and cocaine (or drugs in general) are a good thing.
Now just to make it clear, I have never hired an escort, I do have personal knowledge of his business since I was trying to help him out of the situation he is in. But I think I have failed miserable. He still continues to use drugs daily along with escorting as many people he can in a day to get the drugs they provide and the money they give him for sex.
I have also never once in my life used any illegal drug. Most people find it funny how I even learned what marijuana smelled liked. Now keep in mind I grew up in a small rural area and drugs where pretty much unheard of where I grew up. But anyway, take a wild guess where I learned what marijuana smelled like…
Let’s see if you can guess --- If you want to guess email me your response. Then in a couple of weeks I will make a post and see if anyone got it right…
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