With all the arrest for sex crimes taking place all over the USA daily, one would think people would be smart enough to at least comply with the laws pertaining to sex crimes.
However, this smart criminal elected to throw caution into the wind and decided to have an ongoing sexual relationship with a 15 year old student.
Michelle Fresno, 26, was the student’s karate instructor.
Fresno had been having an ongoing relationship with the teen. It has not been reported how long the relationship had been going on. Come to think of it hardly any details of the case have been made public as of this time. We don’t know who started the relationship, we don’t know if it took place at the school or her home.
Even with no information being released at the time of this post, there is not anything listed at the court web site or the jail web site under Michelle Fresno’s name.
Anyway, police reported that they responded to a domestic violence call at Apopka High School and became aware of the sexual instructions Michelle Fresno was providing for her student.
Now it will be interesting to following this case through to trial. Seems the courts take a pretty lenient approach to female sex offenders.
I find that lenient approach sickening. These sex offenders that are teachers should be held to a very high standard to help ensure the mental development of a child and at no time should they be shown any leniency. Not only did they break the law, but they have violated the trust of the people. They have thrown their high standards away to have a few minutes of sex with a child.
They need to be punished just as severely as any male offender.
Now I’m sure the 15 year old is pretty happy and has bragging rights to having sex with his karate instructor. But dude, it’s not worth it. Michelle Fresno is more than likely going to lose her life as she knows it now. She will be a sex offender the rest of her life.
I have to wonder if a 15 year old is even capable of understanding the full consequences of their actions in a case like this. Regardless of his ability of understanding the full consequences, I bet he is learning them now.
Cases like this also make me think about the parents and where were they during this continued sexual relationship.
Anyway, as sad as it may be, another child has fell victim to his teacher.
Update – After posting this to my blog I was able to find her in the court system web site.
Her charges are as follows.
Also I found the following court orders pre trial.
No Direct/Indirect Contact with the victim.
No Unsupervised contact with anyone under 18 years old
Do not consume alcohol/drugs
Do not return to the scene of the offense, the victims home or Apopka High School
This one I found surprising.
No posting anything on MySpace/Facebook.
Not that I have paid that much attention to court orders, but I cannot recall reading no contact by MySpace/Facebook. I should go back and look at some of the other cases that I have posted about and see if that is in the court order as well.
Oh well, at least pre trial it seems pretty severe.
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