Jaquan Clark, 17, of Rochester managed to ruin the rest of his life. Two crime scenes 3 days apart and now another teen has lost his life to crime.
Over the holidays Clark went on a killing spree. Clark was arraigned in Rochester City Court on Thursday morning for multiple charges. Of those charges there were 4 counts of second-degree murder.
The crime spree started on Christmas Eve, when Clark supposedly murdered Alfred Ocasio, 37..
Then if one murder wasn’t enough, Clark went back out on Dec. 27th and is accused of a triple homicide. During the triple homicide the following were found murdered;
Donald MacMaster, 62
Jeffrey Szymkowski, 33
Arielle Griffin, 17
I think Ocasio was found dead in his front yard and MacMaster, Szymkowski and Griffin were found inside the home of MacMaster and Szymkowski.
Clark has been charged with
4 counts of second degree murder
Criminal Possession of a weapon
Criminal Possession of Stolen Property
False Impersonation
Harassment -- outstanding warrants from Greece and Rochester
Clark is being held in jail with no bond. Clark was captured during a traffic stop of a mini van. Clark was a passenger and a loaded .357 caliber gun was found in the van. The gun was linked to Clark through a finger print.
However, even though the gun has been linked to Clark, police are not releasing any information in regards to the murder weapon. They have not indicated if this was the murder weapon used in his killing spree.
As a matter of fact, watching this story on the news, the police refuse to release any information as these cases progress through the system.
The only sensible thing Clark has done throughout his killing spree was admit to his involvement in both the 12/24 and 12/27 murders.
This case relates directly to the other recent post I have made about teenagers with guns. I think this case would be interesting to learn more about Clark, his life and his motives to kill so many people in a matter of 3 days.
The media was reporting that families were mad about the uncontrollable crimes in there area’s and rightfully so. Crime, hate crimes, drug crimes and murders seem to be an every day occurrence now and we have to ask where the police and court systems are when we need them?
This teenager is accused or murdering a man over a bicycle according to a family member of one of the deceased. I cannot believe for one minute that someone involved in his prior cases did not know that there would be trouble down the road for this teenager.
People in this case is mad at the police and mad that the crime rates are so high in there area. Why not be mad at the right people? First we have to examine his home life and find out where his parents or guardian where during his up bringing. Surely with such a violent killing spree for a teenager there had to be some indicators that something was wrong with this kid well before this crime spree every took place.
The police as much as they are failing at the main goal, to serve and protect, they do have a tough job and a lot of times the police can only do what we the people want done. People are scared to get involved and sadly people have every right to be scared. Police, like for example where I live, seem to have taken the approach of there is nothing they can do until something happens.
Well with the years of Law Enforcement I have, I say that is the biggest load of the most politically correct crap I have heard. There is always something else that can be done. Don’t get me wrong, tough enforcement and tough courts seem to act as a deterrent to a lot of people, but we also need to have police and other people involved in these cases in other manors as well.
Personally speaking when I worked as a cop, I went above and beyond my call of duties and helped several people with some major problems. For example, 1 person I knew was nothing more than a druggie and alcoholic at the age of 15. This kid lived in another State (I worked on the good side of the State line...lol… Those that know me will get the joke...)
But anyway, even though his crimes took place in another State, I had the opportunity to help this kid out. He was a school drop out and by the time he was 17 he could not even keep a job longer than a week because he would steal from the company he worked for to support his habits.
I started to work with this kid and the first time in 2 years he started to stay sober. Once he started to stay sober, I talked him into enrolling into a GED program, which he completed. He stopped stealing and was able to get a job and he has maintained that job for the last 10 years. He is now married with a kid and owns a home.
But there is no doubt if he would have continued on the same path he was on, he would probably been dead years ago. His problems were that bad.
Now you are probably asking how I done it. All it took for him was a positive role model and someone to be there for him if he needed help. That’s all it took. Now I say like it was an easy task. It wasn’t easy in any stretch of the imagination. First to get a druggie to trust a cop is a major accomplishment within itself.
It also required me to go outside the box so to speak. With academy training you are taught how to be a police officer, but one thing they never taught me is how to help another human being when they need help. As a cop you are taught laws, and law enforcement and how to drive fast and how to break up a fight how to deal with almost any criminal activities you can imagine, but they never taught me to go outside the box and do anything to help my neighbor.
Today with our police you cannot even get most of them to even speak to you and where I live, even if I call them it takes hours to even see an officer, if they even respond to the call. It makes me almost sick to hear some police officers say they went into law enforcement to make a difference and yet they do absolutely nothing to make that difference.
Crime is out of control and police certainly cannot deal with it. I think some times that’s why the crime rates are so high. People have elected to turn to street justice instead of the police or the courts. Teenagers elect to carry a gun to solve a problem instead of seeking other alternatives to solve their problems. People are scared and have every right to be scared.
So what are we to do? I wish I knew the answer to that. All we can do is keep praying for the best possible outcome as the police sit around and wait for a crime to take place before they take any positive corrective action. I don’t know if a positive influence in Clark’s life would have made a difference in his killing spree and sadly now we will never know since he is accused of spending Christmas murdering 4 people.
May God have Mercy on his Soul.
1 comment:
thats my dad!!!
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