Sunday, March 22, 2009

Adrijk Duran, a Disney worker in possession of child porn arrested.

Adrijk Duran, 20, has been arrested. Duran resides in Lake County and was arrested at his Clermont home on Monday 03-15-2009.

According to the police, Duran had several images on his computer that had pictures of children as young as 3 involved in sexual acts with other children and adults.

Duran waived his right to remain silent and admitted to downloading the pictures.

Duran said the reason he downloaded them was he was curious about them.

Duran went on to tell the police that over the last year he had been involved in child porn and had been collecting child porn pictures.

Even though Duran was reported as a Disney worker, he actually is a 3rd party vendor that does business on the Disney property. Duran worked for Crystal Magic and made laser engravings on crystals that were sold at Disney.

Even though they are reporting that Duran’s job did not cause him to be around children, he has been placed on unpaid leave.

How could one make a statement like employment at Disney did not cause him to have direct contact with children?

Unless they kept Duran locked in a back room, he would be exposed to children every second of every day that he was at work. Granted I don’t know what the percentage of children are the guests of Disney, but one would think there is a rather large number of children there every single day.

Just my thoughts, of course I have to understand that I would also probably be saying the same thing if I were with that company. I certainly would not want people to think their children were at risk of being exposed to a sexual predator while visiting the parks.

Anyway, Duran has been arrested and is still in jail.

His charges included 10 counts of possession of child pornography.

Each charge had a $10,000 bond assigned to it and he is scheduled to appear in court again on 04/13/2009


Anonymous said...

This is really interesting and sort of laughable to me. If there is going to be any type of child predator, wouldn't you think that they would hang out in the park, amusement park, Chucky Cheese, or schools. They go where the children are. Sick Sick man. I am just shocked that he is only on unpaid leave and not released from employment. Guess the innocent until proven guilty plays into this.

Unknown said...


First, thanks for posting your comment here.

Secondly, I found this case to be laughable as well. The company claims he was not around children.

Of course in the best interest of public safety they had to make such a statement. Could you imagine the ruckus it would cause if they said a predator was among the children at Disney…

That is one problem with our great judicial system, this man confessed to the crime and we still have to give him the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.

That burden of proof was taken care of in his confession. He admitted he had the child porn because he was interested in it.

I think if someone confesses to a crime, they should at that time lose all rights and be treated like a felon. (If there charge is a felony of course)

Think of the time and money it would save if once someone confesses, they are considered guilty.

But we have defense attorneys that need to make money, so when this guy shows up in court, how much are you willing to bet he pleads not guilty.

AKA The Jakester