Sex, Sex, Sex and more Sex.
That was apparently all Anthony Stancl thought about.
Anthony Stancl, 18, has been arrested in the Milwaukee area.
His charges include:
5 Counts of Child Enticement
2 Counts Second-Degree Sexual Assault of a Child
2 Counts Third Degree Sexual Assault
Possession of Child Pornography
Repeated Sexual Assault of the Same Child
And if that wasn’t enough
He has also been charged with making a BOMB Threat…
I have not read all the information about this arrest that I have found but I need to go back and try to figure out where the bomb threat comes into play in this case.
Anyway, how does an 18 year old get arrested for those crimes?
Well it was pretty simple. He created a false Facebook account.
Remember Lori Drew? Her supports feel that it should be perfectly legal to create false account and no one should be held accountable for their on line actions.
This case emphasizes my argument of we need to be held accountable for our on line actions and the only way to do that is to ensure people cannot use fake anonymous identities on line and then we would see a major decrease in cyber crimes.
In this case Anthony Stancl decided to create that fake account and pose as a female student and he was able to trick 31 guys into sending him nude pictures of themselves. Stancl in his fake accounts used the name of
Now he might have got away with this if he left it at collecting pictures but for Stancl, he wanted more.
So he used the nude pictures of the boys to blackmail them into having sexual acts with him. Stancl went as far as trying to manipulate one of the 15 year old boys that he had regular encounters with to take nude pictures of his brother. The boy refused and notified his parents and then the police.
The defense attorney for Stancl stated he already plans to plead not guilty and then he wants to reach a plea deal with the State.
In the criminal complaint, 31 victims were indentified and interviewed according to the media reporting on this case. More than half of the students interviewed said the girl they thought they were communicating with tired to get them to meet with a male friend and let him perform sex acts on them.
This is where the blackmail comes into play; if the students refused the girl would tell them if they did not meet Stancl and let him perform sex acts on them or them on Stancl then she would send the nude pictures and video clips of them to their friends and post the images and videos on the internet.
Got to love cell phones, during the encounters Stancl apparently would video tape the encounters with his cell phone and use that to further blackmail his victims.
During his scam, Stancl was able to collect about 300 images of his fellow students with some being as young as 15.
Stancl ran this scam for some amount of time I think they said he ran it from spring of 2007 until November.
And finally the bomb threat comes into play. Stancl was questioned about the bomb threat that he allegedly sent to teachers and if that wasn’t bad enough he was dumb enough to write about the bobm threat on the school’s bathroom wall.
That threat of course caused a lot of chaos. The New Berlin Eisenhower Middle and High School were closed until they learned it was only a prank bomb threat.
Stancl made his initial appearance Wednesday in Waukesha County Circuit Court in Waukesha and was ordered held on $250,000 bail.
Now this case is bad enough because of the charges and the actions that Stancl took. But to make a bad matter even worse; you have the judge saying that in his 7.5 years on the bench that this was the most horrific complaint the court has ever reviewed.
This is not a good way to start off your criminal proceeding.
The judge even went as far to keep Stancl on a $250,000 because the court is extremely concerned if Stancl will return to court since he is facing 293 years in prison.
Now the courts also imposed the following conditions of his bail,
Stancl cannot Access any Computer
Stancl cannot Access any Cell Phone or Internet Capable Device
Stancl cannot be on any school grounds, including the parking lots
Stancl cannot have any contact with any victim or any minor
And Last but not least
Stancl cannot even enter the New Berlin Public Library
Apparently during his court appearance it was reported that Stancl had allegedly left a not on a fellow students windshield of his car, the note read, I know what you told police and ended with this wasn’t going to end up well as a result of that.
The defense attorney was a little upset with the high bond and said his client was cooperative with police and is not a flight risk. The defense also stated that only one side of the story has been heard at this point and time.
Now as I read more about this case, I learned more about the bomb threats.
I'm still not sure why the bomb threats came into play in this case and maybe as we learn more about this case Stancl can give us some insight on why he made the bomb threats.
Apparently there were 2 bomb threats. The one on the bathroom wall said “Bomb 11/14/08” and the second threat was sent by email. The school administrators received an email that stated Good luck tomorrow boom. It won’t be your average one either. It will be one that is manned but not by me but by those who follow me.
During the court hearing Stancl admitted that he was involved in the threats but there was never a bomb, he sent the email to make it a better story.
I guess it was a better story and with all the stories Stancl has told, this one is the winner. Stancl’s stories could cost him the rest of his life in prison.
Yet another sad case to be heard by the courts, another teenager has just lost his life as he knows it now. The actions he took and threats he made is pathetic and it’s sad to think that a young man had to go through such a long detailed criminal encounter just to enjoy sex.
As with any case this one would be even more so interesting to know more about the life of Stancl. What lead him to such actions and why? Was Stancl incapable of finding a date if he posted as himself?
Stancl was initially released when he was arrested for the bomb threats since they did not feel he was a threat to the community.
Then his Facebook scam was un-covered as the 15 year old boy decided not to involve his own brother in this scam and told his parents and police what Stancl had been doing.
Thank God the 15 year old was man enough to finally say enough is enough and reported this action to his parents and police. Stancl apparently operated this scam for almost about a year.
The bomb threat led to the police confiscating his computer, and that coupled with a parent complaint from their son, led to the investigators with the information they needed to arrest Stancl.
The story is shocking, but what is also shocking is that 31 students went along with Stancl's scheme.
I think Stancl was 17 at the time he did this.
He's looking at nearly 300 hundred years in prison, which to me seems like over kill. We have guilty people doing far worse getting no time.
He probably should serve some time, but probably not in a prison.
Thanks for that 411…
I sorta got that figured out some time after I wrote the post. I had done a little more reading on line about him and how things transpired.
This is a very shocking story and it is even more amazing that he was able to convince 31 fellow students to go along with his scheme.
I could not imagine facing 300 years in prison, but hey if you do the crime, you got to do the time.
This case is a prime example of why there needs to be stricter guide lines for people using the internet.
If people were not able to remain anonymous or create false accounts, cases like this would never happen.
Anyway, thanks for your comment and the information.
If you have other information about this case, keep us posted, I definitely want to continue to follow up on this case.
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