As reported here the stories of Misty Croslin has been inconsistent since the time that Haleigh disappeared.
The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office said they have spent over 30 hours interviewing Croslin and her stories have been inconsistent when it come to the stories Croslin has told about the last time she see Haleigh Cummings alive.
A Sheriff’s Captain told the media that her story hasn’t stayed the same about what actually took place in the home between the hours of 7pm and 3 am.
Even though there has been an anonymous poster leaving comments here that I was in error about the truthfulness of Misty Croslin, the police just backed up what I had reported earlier.
The sad facts are Haleigh is missing and it appears from the poll that at least 80% of the people voting share the same belief that I have and that would be that Misty Croslin knows more than she is telling.
I guess the anonymous poster can now send their anonymous comments to the Sheriff since it was his captain that went public with the fact that Croslin has been inconsistent with the truth of this case.
And for Ronald Cummings…
It has been reported by the media that the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Children and Families are now investigating claims by the children’s mother that Ronald Cummings has beaten his son and neglected the children repeatedly.
Some claim it just a custody battle between the parents and some claim there is a lot of truth to the claim.
The grandmother thinks the claims are false and making such an accusation is taking away from the search for Haleigh. But yet even though they called off ground searches some time ago, it’s still being reported in the media that searches are still being conducted.
Granted this would be the perfect opportunity for the mother of the children to make claims and try to get custody back of her children, but we have to wonder why she lost custody in the first place.
With all the inconsistent stories I cannot help but to think that Ronald and Misty both know more about this case than they have told anyone.
I still wonder if they are ever going to make the results of the Lie Detector that Ronald and Misty took public. OF course Ronald and Misty claimed they both passed, but I have yet to hear any official results released from the police.
What do you think?
I know from looking at the poll on my blog that most feel that Misty hasn’t been truthful (80% of the votes so far) and people seem to think there was abuse in the household (or at least 37% of the voters) while only 3% of the people voting seems to think they had a loving and caring family.
I think before this case is over we will see both Ronald and Misty in jail, celebrating their honeymoon. Sadly for them they cannot be in the same cell though…
One has to wonder why the sudden marriage took place, was it so they can claim protection in court and not testify against each other, or was it truly a ceremony of love, trust and respect for each other.
This is a sad case. My heart truly goes out to all of the family except for Ron and Misty.
I hope they can prove me wrong in this matter. Even though I don’t have high hopes of that ever happening, I can still hope.
Just like we all can still hope that Haleigh is out there alive and well somewhere…
My God watch over Haleigh where ever she is and take her into the wing of an angel for the protection she needs right now…
This story breaks my heart - I send my prayers to Ron and his whole family...the grandmother has amazing strenth to keep the focus on finding Haleigh like she does...I dont like following the news too closely but this story I watch everyday...I pray for Haleigh's return...I just cant even imagine having a child stolen from her own bed in your own home...I dont believe the abuse stories..I do think the son, Jr, needs to be well watched of course but not to go with his bio mom and for Ron to lose custody would be awful - to lose both kids? Come on!the guy is clearly depressed and struggling, lets not add pain here...I hope the family all have good support so they can focus, get answers, and ultimately peace in whatever the outcome. Lots of people are praying for them all.
I agree with you..
This is a sad story..
I do hope they have a good family support system in place
I agree that the grandmother does have amazing strenght and I think it's really sad for her to have to endure a situation like this.
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