Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cynthia Horvath, former teacher, strike 2… One more and she’s out…

Cynthia Horvath, former teacher, strike 2… One more and she’s out…

Cynthia Horvath, 45, was a teacher at Warner Christian Academy was arrested last October for having a sexual affair with one of her students.

During the course of that case she was ordered not to have any contacts with minors while she was sentenced to 1 year of house arrest and 7 years of probation. She was ordered not to contact the boy she had the affair with as well.

But here comes strike 2…

I guess since she got off so easy on the first go around, she would try her luck again and try to find yet another younger lover, so she added what she thought was a 16 year old boy to her Facebook account.

However, this 16 year old was actually a detective with Port Orange Police.
According to the media, the Port Orange Police said last month they received a complaint on Horvath had been contacting children on Facebook. During the course of the investigation into this complaint, the police created the 16 year old boys account and Horvath just had to click add as friend…

Hopefully this child predator will now be sentenced to something a little more that a smack on the wrist (or should I say ankle since she is on house arrest and has to wear that bothersome ankle bracelet)

You know, one would think the ankle bracelet would serve as a continuous reminder of why that was there in the first place, but this teacher, I guess she forgot…
Now she is facing 15 years in prison for her naughty violation of probation. I hope she gets every minute of time she can since she obviously didn’t learn anything from her first lesson with the judicial system.

Of course we have defense attorneys that should take most of the blame…
Back in November, the defense for Horvath said that she did it because she has a hormone imbalance.

For the love of God, you got to love a defense attorney, well not really, but it sounds good on paper.

During her first trial she said her having sex with the 17 year old was because of a hormone imbalance. She faced 15 years for that crime and ended up with a year of house arrest and probation…

Now I also love this part, during the first trial, the defense also claimed the teacher suffered from “other mental conditions” and this lady was a teacher? Of course the defense claimed the hormone imbalance was very severe.

Horvath pleaded not guilty to her first arrest and I guess the courts bought into the hormone problem and mental disorders. I just wonder what excuses she will come up with this time for this new charge.

Oh well it should be interesting since this case is getting off to a good start. She was allowed to waive her first appearance in court for this charge.

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