Friday, April 24, 2009

Strike 50 and you’re out!!! More child porn.


Over in Minneola they have made yet another arrest for possession of child porn. This is another Lake County arrest. People need to learn this behavior is not tolerated in Lake County.

Now even though we read almost daily news about Lake County and the arrest there, we have to wonder if these sex offenders have called Lake County their home and they have all flocked there as a place to live and search for child porn.

Now granted I have not done any arrest comparisons between Lake and another other county in Florida, but it just seems that on a very regular basis we read about these arrests being made in Lake County. What is happening over there in Lake County?

Could it be a not so populated area and people think they can get away with these crimes there?

Anyway, back to the post...

Even though it was one arrest, they made this one arrest worth while.
(Keep in mind that is a figure of speech, any single arrest for child porn is worth while.)

Jason Hussey, 38, was charged with 50 felony charges of possession of chills porn.

Even though his arrest may have left some unanswered questions to many, it’s still good to know that yet another sex offender in Lake County is in jail.

The report released to the media failed to comment on how the investigation into Hussey’s criminal behavior started, nor where there any details of when or where he was arrested at. None the less he is in jail and has a bond of $250,000.

Of the few details released, it was reported that he was in possession of dozens of pictures of children engaged in sexual acts.

They reported dozens, I’m just guessing here but I think that number would probably be 50.

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