Monday, April 20, 2009

So much for strike 3 and you’re out…. Jeffrey Eymann faces 1200 counts of molestation of a child under the age of 12.


Jeffrey Eymann, 53, is in jail after his ex-girlfriend’s daughter finally spoke up and told about the molestation she has been going through for years.

The DCF received an anonymous tip that Eymann had been sexually abusing the child.

Throughout the course of this investigation, Eymann confesses to the molestation and reported the he had been touching the girl 5 times a week for over a 5 year period.

There wasn’t a lot of information released about this case, except that Eymann was arrested for 1200 counts of lewd or lascivious molestation on a child under the age of 12.

This case makes one wonder where mom was during these sexual moments. Did mom leave her daughter with her boyfriend? Did she really have no clue that for the last 5 years this was taking place?

Hopefully it’s not another case like the one I just read about in PA, where mom gave her 13 year old daughter drugs and alcohol so mom’s boyfriend could impregnate her daughter all because mom wanted another child. Apparently mom thought if her daughter had a baby, she could claim it as her own. (I will probably do a post on that case before long)

I hope mom really did not have any knowledge of the sexual assaults prior to his arrest.

But this day and age, one can never tell. How sick can people be?

As of the time of this post there was no jail information available and the court site seems to be off line as well. I will post updates as soon as I can get more information.

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