Sunday, May 24, 2009

Remember Al Zimmerman? He went from DCF leader to convicted felon…

Al Zimmerman was sentenced to 24 years and 4 months in federal prison.

Zimmerman was arrested last February for child pornography.

Throughout the investigation it was soon learned that not only was he in possession, but he was also producing the child pornography.

The first post about Al Zimmerman can be found here

Zimmerman had paid the two boys to be in the video’s he made so he could sell them overseas.

Now for whatever reason there was a plea deal worked out in this case. Some of the charges were dropped altogether. Those charges dropped were possession of child porn, receipt of child porn and obstruction of justice.

The plea deal took care of those charges, but Al Zimmerman did not try to plea on the amount of time that he served. It was reported on TV by different media stations that he wanted the maximum amount of time for his charges.

He got it, 24 years and 4 months.

It makes me wonder if he felt like he was not stable enough to be back in the community or was it because of the shame and embarrassment he would have to face every day from his friends and X co-workers. Maybe in 24 years all those people will forget about the man that was suppose to be here to help protect children but instead was using them in gay porn scenes to sell overseas to get rich quick…

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