Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Serial Rapist Freed, Mother Dies….

Let me just point out now, that the courts or no one else has called Kareem Merthie a serial rapist, however, he was convicted of raping at least 20 children. I personally think that should have him classified as a serial rapist...

Kareem Merthie, 26, now has a reason to celebrate. He is being released from prison after he had been locked up for almost a decade for raping children.

During the court hearing that freed Merthie, his mother, Ruth Merthie, stepped out of the hearing and then collapsed in the hallway. She was rushed to the emergency room and was later pronounced dead.

So what’s the big deal about this case? Kareem Merthie had preyed on as many as 20 children.

20 children…

Kareem Merthie abused the children at the church that his dad was the pastor of.

Now we have some “smart” (actually mean stupid people) saying Merthie is not classified as an active violent sexually predator.

I wonder why? Could it be he has been locked up for a decade? And there’s no children in prison for him to abuse? And some dumb*ss thinks he will be just fine back out on the streets.

The mental health experts said Merthie was a different person now after he attended intense therapy in prison.

I wonder what that therapy consisted of?

Counselor: Do you promise not to rape children anymore

Merthie: Yes I promise, I have found God in prison and I’m now a saved man and promise not to touch any little boy ever again…

Now the best part is even though he was sent to a state mental hospital as a “Jimmy Ryce” offender, which means he is still dangerous, now the mental health workers feels he is safe to return to the community.

Then the judge had to open his mouth and say Merthie was cleared to return to society once again.

If I were a betting man, I should complete a poll and take bets on the amount of time it takes Merthie to end up back in jail for sexually abusing yet another child.

Anyway… What are your thoughts on this case?

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