Monday, August 17, 2009

Deputy Police Chief now a convicted felon for having sex with a 16 year old.

Over in Mulberry, FL the 40 year old Deputy Police Chief, Jody Beaudry, pleaded guilty to having sex with a 16 year old girl.

Beaudry was on duty while he committed the crimes in 2004 and he was serving as the City of Mulberry’s Deputy Police Chief at the time he was charged in 2008.

There wasn’t a lot of information released and will never be since there was a plea deal in the case so we will never know all of the details of the case.

The 16 year old was on probation and the Deputy Chief threatened to have her probation revoked if she did not have sex with him. So of course she agreed to have sex.

Now what’s more sickening than this case if the fact they allowed Beaudry to plea in this case.

As part of his plea he could receive up to 7 years in prison but we have to wait and find out on Sept 25 when he is scheduled for sentencing.

Why do the courts allow sex offenders to work out a plea deal? Was it because he was a bad cop? Yet the average male gets sent straight to prison in some cases for the rest of his life yet the courts let this guy plea for maybe up to 7 years in prison.

It would be interesting to know more about this case as well. Now I have posted before that I would never agree with sex of someone underage, but at the same time we have to question if this is something the 16 year old wanted. All she had to do is say no.

Where were the girls parents? How did she end up alone with a 40 year old police officer and get put in a position of have sex or have your probation revoked?

Which makes no sense, the police can report to probation officers but the final call would come from the probation officer. What would the officer tell the PO? She refused to have sex with me…

Anyway, this cop will hopefully get every second of time in his 7 year plea deal… What a disgrace to the uniform.


Anonymous said...

Keep your comments to yourself - you know nothing about this case and most of all, you don't know Jody. It is a clear vendetta that someone had against him and is now ruining an innocent man's life.

Unknown said...


Vendetta or not he is the one arrested for sex with a 16 year old.

Maybe the man (Jody) himself ruined his own life.

Vendetta or not he took a plea deal in the case, he decided to plea guilty.

Now dont get me wrong Im sure there is more to this case than anyone knows right now... And since there was a plea deal, we will never know anything more.

Maybe the girl wanted it.. Maybe they held it over his head and wanted him gone because of it.. WHO KNOWS...


WHO REALLY CARES!!! A cop to be involved with a minor... Give me a break...

If that was any John Q. Public citizen, you would be back at the station talking about the scumbag you arrested up for violating a child..

Yet since he was a cop now you claim the vendetta is ruining his life...

Give me a break...

He has to take some personal responsibility for his own actions....

This man ruined his own life.....