Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hernando County Sheriffs Detective arrested.

Detective Jeffery Swartz, 34, has been arrested for domestic battery.
Swartz has been placed on administrative leave. (So the tax payers get to pay another deputy since he decided to break the law)

Swartz was having a get together at his home and of course he and his wife had been drinking. At some time in the get together Jeffrey Swartz and his wife had a verbal altercation.

Now instead of doing the smart thing and removing yourself from the situation, Jeffrey Swartz elected to take his wife to the ground and pin her to the ground by her neck.

Some of the guest heard the altercation and I guess they elected to do nothing since the victim had to free herself from his grip he had on her neck. Well maybe it was one of the guest that called 911, not really sure who called but the police did respond. But none the less at least one houseguest heard the victim crying for help…
Anyway, once she was able to free herself Jeffrey Swartz elected to grab her by both arms. Once again his stupid behaviors lead to more evidence of his abuse since he left red marks on both arms.

The wife did not require medical attention.

Of course this is all alleged at this time and it will be interesting to see what happens in court.

Now of course as anyone knows who has been following my blog, I hate to see any public safety official be placed on leave. They need to be terminated on the spot. Once they hear the handcuffs click around their own wrist, they should know that’s the end of their career. No pay, no vacation time, nothing besides a trip to the jail.

Harsh some will say, but who cares. This people are entrusted with my life and if they cannot use enough common since not to break the law sorry about their luck. Let them pay the consciences of their own actions without an administrative leave that we the taxpayers get to pay. To be honest I also have to think if these people cannot manage their own affairs better than this, is this really someone you want to be there for you in your time of need?

Of course this case brings up another interesting point, granted it may have been the alcohol they were drinking, but if this deputy could not even keep his wife restrained is he really capable of restraining a criminal on the street?
One thing that was missing was his intentions. Once he took her down what was he planning on doing at that point?

None the less, I applaud the wife for getting away and can only hope she has enough common sense to pursue this case in court. Alcohol or not, we don’t need people like this carrying a badge and a gun.

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