Monday, October 26, 2009

Where to place your child when buying drugs... In Philadelphia at least....

Where ol where does one leave their child when they go to buy drugs?

One would certainly hope the child is not with you when you buy drugs to start with. However, in Philadelphia a 31 year old dad wasn't smart enought to leave his child at home.

The suspect drove from Lehigh County to Philadelphia to buy drugs with this 6 year old son in tow.

However after the man purchased his drugs he had a slight problem.

He could not find his car with the boy inside.

So the suspect at least done the right thing and flagged down a police officer to help find his son, but of course
he ended up getting arrested for recklessly endangering another person once the police found the boy 2 hours later.

Could you imagine the 6 year old being left in a strange place while dad is out buying drugs.

The car was found about 1/2 mile away from where the suspect flagged down the police. The child was not harmed and turned over to his mother.

The suspect had a $4,000. bond....

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