Friday, October 2, 2009

The Yale Killing and Its Repercussions

The Yale Killing and Its Repercussions

There are crimes, and then there are crimes. Some are a little acceptable (once reason sets in) because they were committed in the heat of the moment, when the perpetrator was not in control over his or her senses, but others blow you away with the sheer senselessness of it all. Like the one that took place on the campus of Yale University – graduate student Annie Le was allegedly murdered by lab employee Raymond Clark III five days before she was due to get married. In a sadistic twist of fate, her body was discovered on what was supposed to be her wedding day.

Lab tech Clark was arrested after police discovered Le’s body stashed away in a recess in the lab. While the reason for the killing is not known yet, police suspect it may have something to do with Clark’s “proprietary” attitude towards the mice whose cages he cleaned. Le was a research student involved in conducting experiments on mice in connection with an enzyme that has implications for the treatment of cancer, muscular dystrophy and diabetes.

There is speculation that the defense may use tactics that are not really above the table (but not below them either) – apparently, the lab was not sealed off immediately after Le was reported missing. Rather the police waited till her body was found to cordon off the area and declare in off limits. The defense now is set to claim that the evidence against Clark could have been contaminated.

Police claim that they caught Clark washing blood stained equipment and cleaning the area. Clark meanwhile has not entered a plea, so we have to wait and watch the trial as it unfolds to see how it plays out.

Students are Yale and their relatives are now jittery about the safety factor within the campus – if employees are prone to violence, just how safe are they in their presence? The authorities however, stress that this could have happened anywhere, a point that is true. What remains to be seen is if Le will receive justice and if her real killer will be brought to book and given his just desserts.

The repercussions of this brutal crime will continue to reverberate for some time to come, and only justice will bring closure to Le’s family and friends.


This guest article was written by Adrienne Carlson, who regularly writes on the topic of forensic scientist schools . Adrienne welcomes your comments and questions at her email address:

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