Monday, January 4, 2010

Update from The Jakester

To all My Followers and Friends

Thanks for your continued support.

As some of you know my health has not been the best and I have taken some time off from blogging about True Crime Cases.

I do want to thank everyone for the calls, cards and get well wishes…

And yes I’m still here and yes I have been following some True Crime Cases and I have been working on getting some current cases up on line…

Check back often there are some new posts coming soon…

Thanks again for your support

AKA The Jakester


BILLY said...

Thank you for your site. I have a true crime story for you. My brother was murdered 37 years ago by his wife at the time and her lover, a marine who later became a police chief. By a miracle, we now have three suspects awaiting trials, the first scheduled for March 15. His case is one of the oldest in the US with active trials. Dateline did his story in February of 2009, they are going to cover the trials.
Cold cases need the support of the justice system. They are all but
forgotten, funds are not made available for investigations to continue. Our case is proof that someone, somewhere, saw something,
these victims were someone's child, do not give up on them.
Below is our blog dedicated to this case. Thank you again for your support of justice.

Unknown said...


Thanks for contacting me about that....

I plan on completing a post on this for my blog..

If there is any information you want posted, please let me know


AKA The Jakester

BILLY said...

Thank you for your reply. There is all kinds of information on the blog that is listed. Billy was my brother that was murdered, I am his sister Sharron. Please feel free to take any information that you want from the site. The most current item was the Associated Press article in Jan of this year.

BILLY said...


UPDATE: Hayden sentenced to life in prison
May 26, 2010 LINDELL KAY
A young Camp Lejeune Marine in the summer of 1972, George Hayden wanted to reconnect with his Ohio high school sweetheart. But she was married to another Marine.

Hayden solved the problem by putting two bullets into the back and head of 27-year-old Sgt. William Miller.

Thirty-seven years later, an Onslow County jury convicted Hayden of first-degree murder and a judge sentenced him to life in prison Wednesday afternoon. He hugged his wife for a long moment before bailiffs took away his cigarettes and led him to jail.

“I never lost hope; I always knew we’d get here,” said Sharron Aguilar, who kept the case of her brother’s death alive for nearly four decades.

While William Miller was in Okinawa, Hayden moved into Miller’s Piney Green area home, played house with Miller’s wife and newborn, and allegedly began to sign his name to Miller’s checks.

“He stole my brother’s home, wife and child, and money,” said Charlie Miller, the youngest of six in Miller’s family. “He tried to steal his identity, and when that didn’t work he stole Billy’s life.”